Namilyango College Student Leadership

Namilyango College aims to develop well-rounded personalities in its students. Beyond academics, co-curricular activities play a pivotal role. Leadership is one such aspect.

The college has a Prefectorial Body set up to ensure that law and order are maintained within the school. These student leaders uphold discipline, foster a positive environment, and serve as role models for their peers.

The Students' Council 2024/2025

Chairman Council

The Head Council Chairman holds a pivotal position within the college administration. He leads the governing body of the college, chair various committees, execute decisions through the college’s structure, act as a chief executive, and represents the college both internally and externally—often aiding fundraising efforts.

Assistant Chairman Council

The Assistant Council Chairman plays a crucial role within the college administration. His primary function is to step in when the chairman is unavailable, presiding over meetings, putting forth motions, documenting proceedings, and representing the organization. Essentially, he ensure continuity and effective leadership.

The Student Council

The Student Council at Namilyango College plays a pivotal role in shaping the college community. Comprising dedicated student leaders, the council ensures that law and order are maintained within the school. Beyond enforcing discipline, they actively engage in co-curricular activities, fostering an all-round personality in their peers. These young leaders exemplify values such as respect, integrity, and service, contributing to the vibrant legacy of Namilyango College

Council members


The College Prefectorial Body 2024/2025

Head Prefect

The Head Prefect holds the topmost post in the student administration system. Responsible for other prefects, his duties include overseeing all prefect actions, reviewing cases before forwarding them to responsible staff, assigning tasks, handling misconduct issues, and organizing meetings to assess the College's student situations.

"Namilyango College being branded as great, leaves us College leaders with a task of protecting the greatness accumulated for the past century and for that respect, the Virtutis-ductus prefecture stands for - virtuous conviction, -discipline of heart, and -talent promotion. We are happy to serve!"

Assistant Head prefect

The Assistant Head Prefect holds a crucial position within the student leadership team. His main responsibilities include deputizing for the Head Boy, assisting in organizing meetings, managing operational duties, and acting as role models for their peers. He plays an essential role in maintaining order and fostering a positive school environment

Junior Assistant Head prefect

The Junior Assistant Head Prefect holds a crucial position within the student leadership team. He works together with the Assistant Head Prefect in deputizing for the Head Prefect in the Lower level of students.

The Prefectorial Body 2024/2025

Prefects play a crucial role in maintaining order and fostering leadership within educational institutions.

They oversee the conduct and tutoring of several younger students within their residence halls. Dating back to the 14th century, the prefectural system recognizes boys who have reached the highest form in the school as eligible for this role1. In essence, prefects serve as mentors, enforcers of discipline, and positive role models for their peers.

The Prefectorial Cabinet 2024/2025
