Namilyango College Administration

At the helm of Namilyango College's ship is a dedicated administration—a team of visionaries who steer the course toward educational brilliance. Led by the headmaster, they orchestrate the symphony of learning, ensuring that the college remains a beacon of knowledge and character. From managing daily operations to fostering a vibrant student community, the Namilyango College Administration embodies commitment, wisdom, and a passion for nurturing future leaders.

The Headteacher

Within Namilyango College's venerable walls, the Headmaster strides—a blend of tradition and forward vision. His handshake, firm yet kind, bridges generations. With each sunrise, He weaves character, curiosity, and dreams into the college’s fabric. A custodian of legacy, the Headmaster whispers to oak trees and listens to student hopes—a beacon for all who seek knowledge’s light.

Namilyango College Organization Chart

Ministry of Education and sports Board of Governors
  • Governance
    1. Finance and developement commitee
    2. P.T.A executive
    3. Academic and desciplinary commitee
  1. The Headteacher

    • Administration
    • PIACY
    1. Deputy HM Acedemic

      • Transport
      • Academics
      • Contract Committe
      1. Dean of Students (D.O.S) and Assistant D.O.S
        • Heads of Department
        • Remedial Classes
        • Preps
        • Academic Monitoring
        • Subject heads
        1. Class Teachers
          1. Teachers
            1. Student Leaders
            2. Students
        2. Patrons of Academic Clubs
          • All Subject Clubs
          • Debate
          • Writer's Club
          • Computer Projects
          • Natural Science
          • Wild Life Club
          1. Student Leaders
      2. Heads of Sections
        • Caterer
        • Quarter Master
        • Games Master
        • Eaxmination Master
        • Career guidance
        • Uniform Master
        • Health Master
        • Farm Master
        1. Non teaching staff / Academic staff
          • Librarian
          • Lab Assistants
          • Art Room Assistant
          • Computer Technician
          • Office Attendant
        2. Support Staff
          • Kichen Staff
          • Compound Staff
          • Farm Staff
          • Hygiene Technician
        3. Patrons of Games
          • Rugby
          • Cricket
          • Basketball
          • Table Tennis
          • LAwn Tennis
          • Chess
          • Badminton
          • Athletics
          • Volleyball
          • Draughts
          • Football
          • Pool
        4. Patrons of Social/Spiritual Clubs
          • Interact
          • World Starts with me
          • Scouts
          • Red Cross
          • Youth Alert
          • Peer Alert
          • Plascy
          • Legion of Mary
          • MDD
          • Patriotism
          • YCS
    2. Chaplain

      • Spiritual guidance
      • Church of Uganda
      • Moslem Community
      1. Heads of Sections
        • Caterer
        • Quarter Master
        • Games Master
        • Eaxmination Master
        • Career guidance
        • Uniform Master
        • Health Master
        • Farm Master
        1. Non teaching staff / Academic staff
          • Librarian
          • Lab Assistants
          • Art Room Assistant
          • Computer Technician
          • Office Attendant
        2. Support Staff
          • Kichen Staff
          • Compound Staff
          • Farm Staff
          • Hygiene Technician
        3. Patrons of Games
          • Rugby
          • Cricket
          • Basketball
          • Table Tennis
          • LAwn Tennis
          • Chess
          • Badminton
          • Athletics
          • Volleyball
          • Draughts
          • Football
          • Pool
        4. Patrons of Social/Spiritual Clubs
          • Interact
          • World Starts with me
          • Scouts
          • Red Cross
          • Youth Alert
          • Peer Alert
          • Plascy
          • Legion of Mary
          • MDD
          • Patriotism
          • YCS
    3. Deputy HM Administration / welfare

      • Discipline
      • Security and Safety
      • Procurement
      • Hygiene
      • General Welfare
      • Housing Community
      • Dining Master
      • Teachers on Duty
      1. Heads of Sections
        • Caterer
        • Quarter Master
        • Games Master
        • Eaxmination Master
        • Career guidance
        • Uniform Master
        • Health Master
        • Farm Master
        1. Non teaching staff / Academic staff
          • Librarian
          • Lab Assistants
          • Art Room Assistant
          • Computer Technician
          • Office Attendant
        2. Support Staff
          • Kichen Staff
          • Compound Staff
          • Farm Staff
          • Hygiene Technician
        3. Patrons of Games
          • Rugby
          • Cricket
          • Basketball
          • Table Tennis
          • LAwn Tennis
          • Chess
          • Badminton
          • Athletics
          • Volleyball
          • Draughts
          • Football
          • Pool
        4. Patrons of Social/Spiritual Clubs
          • Interact
          • World Starts with me
          • Scouts
          • Red Cross
          • Youth Alert
          • Peer Alert
          • Plascy
          • Legion of Mary
          • MDD
          • Patriotism
          • YCS
      2. Non-Academic Staff
        • Nurses
        • Secretaries
        • Electrician
        • Drivers
        • Plumber
        • Store Keepers
        • Farm Manager
        • Visiting Doctor
      3. House Teachers
        • Students Welfare
        1. Student Leaders
          1. Students
    4. Bursar And Assistant Bursars

Message from the Deputy Headmaster Academics

Name of Deputy Headteacher

The Deputy Academics at Namilyango College wields the compass of knowledge. With meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, they chart the academic voyage for students. From curriculum design to fostering intellectual curiosity, the Deputy Academics ensures that Namilyango’s halls resonate with the harmonious pursuit of learning.

Message to the public

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Message from the Deputy Headmaster Welfare

Name of Deputy Headteacher

The Deputy Welfare Officer at Namilyango College is the compassionate guardian of student well-being. With an attentive ear and a heart attuned to the needs of each student, they ensure a nurturing environment—a place where academic growth harmonizes with emotional support. From counseling sessions to fostering camaraderie, the Deputy Welfare Officer plays a vital role in shaping the holistic experience of Namilyango’s young scholars.

Message to the public

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